How to Illustrate Cute & Captivating Characters


When it comes to drawing cute characters, you’ve likely heard the same advice before to give them the physical features of babies. This is sound advice.

Babies (human and animal) are, after all, the epitome of cuteness. The physical characteristics of babies are what convey their adorableness - e.g. they have big eyes and large foreheads, their heads are soft, round and larger than their bodies.

You’ve done all that, and yet somehow your characters look rather flat and generic. So how do you go a step further and transform an average cute character into an endearing one that captivates and creates an emotional connection with your audience?

Grab the free guide below where I share 5 tried and tested strategies that have elevated my character illustrations. I hope it helps you, and feel free to share with me any character drawings you have made via email or leave a comment below.



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